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Here at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care We highly emphasise the significance of thoroughly reviewing and comprehending all the ensuing terms and conditions stipulated before proceeding with the registration of your dog. Your adherence to these terms is crucial in fostering a secure and enjoyable environment for all parties involved. We believe that the welfare of your pet is of utmost importance and should never be compromised for any other consideration. 


Health & Safety


1, Upon enrolling my dog with In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care, I hereby confirm that I am the lawful owner of the named dog(s) and assume complete responsibility for any potential risks or hazards that may arise during their stay. I fully comprehend and accept that dog care may entail inherent risks, which may include injuries or illnesses while my dog(s) is under the facility's care.

In addition, I agree to indemnify and hold the facility harmless, releasing it from any and all liability arising from my dog's participation in any activities or services provided by the facility. I am aware that In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care maintains public liability insurance with indemnity coverage valued at£1,000,000.


2, To ensure the safety and well-being of all dogs in our care, we require all dogs to pass a general behaviour assessment before attending dog day care. We do not admit any dog that shows signs of aggression or any other type of unacceptable behaviour. 


3, I confirm that my dog(s) is friendly towards other dogs and humans and does not exhibit any aggression. I understand that any dog demonstrating aggressive behaviour or other behaviour deemed unacceptable by In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care staff may be required to leave day care, regardless of how long they have been enrolled.


4, Our staff reserves the right to make the final decision regarding whether a dog's behaviour is acceptable for day care. We prioritise the safety and well-being of all dogs in our care, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and happy environment for everyone involved. We will not accept dogs listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. For the safety and well-being of all dogs in our care, we do not walk dogs that wear choke chains or electric collars. Additionally, we do not administer any negative punishment that may cause pain or distress to the dog


5, We require that your dog(s) wear a suitable collar with an identification tag at all times. Additionally, we require that your dog(s) be microchipped for added identification. In the event that your dog(s) becomes lost or separated from the facility, proper identification will help us reunite you with your furry family member as quickly as possible.


6, We want to ensure that all dogs in our care are able to fully participate in the activities we offer, which is why we require that your dog(s) be fit and healthy enough to do so. By enrolling your dog(s) at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care you confirm that your dog(s) is in good health and able to participate in all activities unless you have made us aware of any limitations.


7, We understand that every dog is unique and may have individual needs or restrictions. If your dog(s) has any health concerns, behavioural issues, or other limitations, please inform us in advance so that we can make appropriate accommodations and ensure that your dog(s) has a safe and enjoyable experience at our facility.


Vaccinations, Tick & Fleas


8, In order to maintain a healthy environment for all dogs at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care  we require that your dog(s) be up to date on all vaccinations, including the kennel cough vaccine, and receive regular treatment for worms, ticks, and fleas. As the owner of the dog(s), I understand that it is my responsibility to provide In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care with an up-to-date copy of my dog(s)'s vaccination record annually. I hereby affirm that no dog under my care shall be enrolled in In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care if it exhibits any condition that may pose a risk to the well-being of other dogs or individuals. Furthermore, I confirm that my dog(s) have been free from any potentially communicable ailments for a period of 28 days preceding enrolment.


9, I acknowledge that despite my dog(s) being vaccinated for kennel cough, there remains a possibility of contracting it. Therefore, I hereby agree not to hold In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care liable in the event that my dog(s) contract kennel cough.


10, I acknowledge that I am accountable for providing regular treatment for worms, fleas, and ticks to my dog(s) and ensuring the effectiveness of such treatments. I commit to regularly inspecting my dog(s) for ticks and fleas, and promptly informing In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care if any infestation is detected. In the event of fleas, I understand that my dog(s) will be unable to attend day care until they are free from fleas.


In Season


11, As a responsible dog day care, we take steps to ensure the safety and well-being of all dogs in our care. We kindly request that female dogs who come into the season not attend In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care for the duration of their season, which is typically 2-3 weeks.


Un Neutered Dogs 


12, Please be advised that our day care services do not accept entire male dogs beyond 9 months of age. Male puppies attending day care will be closely monitored during adolescence, and a discussion about neutering will be held to ensure continued attendance. We reserve the right to exclude male puppies and adolescent dogs from day care if they affect the behaviour and temperament of other dogs in our facility.


Accidents & Emergencies


13, I understand that while In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care takes all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents from happening, dogs may still sustain injuries during their time with us. Therefore, I agree to have appropriate insurance coverage for my dog(s) personal injury in the unlikely event of an incident. Alternatively, I agree to cover any costs relating to accidents that may occur at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care that result in injury to my dog. 


14, In the event of any dogs exhibiting extreme lethargy or signs of heat stroke, we will promptly seek veterinary attention, even if we are unable to contact you beforehand.


15, Here at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care all interactions and dog play are under careful observation by our trained staff to prevent incidents. Despite our best efforts, accidents may still occur. I acknowledge that my dog(s) will engage in play with other dogs in open areas, and as a result, they may get dirty and experience minor cuts and scratches. In such circumstances, I willingly accept responsibility for any veterinary fees related to my dog's injury.


Please be advised that In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care and its employees cannot assume responsibility for any death, injury, or illness that may occur to your dog while at day care. As a precautionary measure, we strongly recommend insuring your dog to safeguard against all eventualities.


16, At In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care we prioritise the well-being of your dog above all else. In the unlikely event that your dog becomes ill or requires veterinary attention, we reserve the right to act in their best interests, which may include seeking veterinary advice and treatment. We will make every effort to contact you immediately if this happens. However, if we are unable to reach you within a reasonable timeframe or if you have chosen not to be contacted, we will seek appropriate veterinary care and treatment for your dog, which you agree to cover.


17, Rest assured, we are fully committed to providing your dog with the utmost care, treatment, and comfort necessary to facilitate a swift and smooth recovery. Your pet's well-being is our top priority, and we will take every measure to ensure their health and comfort during their time with us.




18, I confirm that my dog(s) has not experienced any infectious or contagious diseases or illnesses, nor have they been in contact with any such conditions, in the 21 days leading up to attending In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care In the event that my dog(s) comes into contact with or is diagnosed with any contagious or infectious disease, I will promptly inform In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care and provide details about the necessary medical treatment and recovery period before bringing my dog(s) back to day care.


19, I am aware that certain conditions, such as colds, Bordetella, Conjunctivitis, and Papilloma Virus, cannot be fully vaccinated against, and I understand that in a social setting like doggy day care, my dog may be exposed to such illnesses.




20, I confirm that my dog(s) is socialised and capable of sharing play areas with other dogs within the day care centre, as well as attending group walks with a maximum of four dogs. 


21, I confirm that my dog(s) is well-trained and able to be let off the lead on walks away from In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care unless otherwise requested by me. I will therefore sign the "Off lead" consent form if applicable.


22, If I choose to use In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care transport service, I understand that my dog(s) may be traveling with another dog from a different household, provided that both dogs have been introduced to each other and deemed safe to travel together by In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care staff.




23, We retain the right to decline admission or dismiss any dog that does not meet our day care standards, as determined solely by our staff. To facilitate efficient scheduling, we request a minimum of 48 hours notice for any cancellations. Please be aware that late cancellations may incur the full charge if less than 48 hours' notice is given.


24, Upon your authorisation, we will securely hold a key to your property, if required, to collect and drop off your dog(s). Rest assured, we will provide you with an emergency contact number for any concerns related to your dog or your property. Your trust in our services is paramount, and we strive to maintain the highest standards of care and security for your beloved pet.


License Display


25, To comply with the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 (SI No. 486), we will prominently display our license in the reception area. The display will include the name of the license holder and the license number.


 26, In addition, we will also display the service provider's Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate and qualifications. We will also ensure that the license is clearly visible on our website and social media pages.




27, We prioritise strict adherence to all legal regulations pertaining to dog transportation. In order to ensure the safety and comfort of the dogs, we use appropriate restraints such as dog crates, dog guards, or transport harnesses during transportation.


The dog crates utilised are of ample size, designed to facilitate proper ventilation, and securely fastened to prevent any movement during transit. Moreover, we take care to position the crates away from direct sunlight and heating vents.


Our vehicles undergo regular cleaning and disinfection to uphold a clean and safe environment for the dogs throughout the journey. We are committed to minimising the time the dogs spend in the vehicles and never leave any dog unattended in a car or other vehicle when temperatures could pose a risk.

During extended trips, we ensure that sufficient breaks are provided for the dogs to have access to water and relieve themselves.


When collecting and returning dogs to their homes, we take precautions by keeping the dogs on a lead to minimize any risk of escape. The safety and well-being of the dogs remain our top priority throughout the transportation process.




28, The Client is responsible for providing sufficient food and treats for their dog, considering individual dietary needs and allergies. Feeding will be done separately unless owners provide written consent for a different arrangement. We will monitor food and water intake, recording any issues. We ensure that all food and water provided to the dogs are fresh, uncontaminated, and stored properly. Our feeding receptacles are non-porous, cleaned daily, and disinfected weekly. Damaged receptacles will be replaced.


 In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care makes sure fresh water will be available at all times in each designated room, with receptacles changed as needed. Our premises have hygienic facilities for food preparation, including clean working surfaces, hot and cold running water, and proper storage. Adequate soap and hand-drying facilities are also available.


Bookings & Cancellations


29, A Meet & Greet consultation is mandatory prior to making a reservation at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care

 This can be done via Phone or email.


Once the Meet & Greet consultation is complete and we have determined that your dog is suitable for Doggy Day care, we can proceed with scheduling future bookings.


  • Bookings must be made in advance if your dog is not booked in on a permanent basis. 

  • The client should submit booking requests via telephone.

  • We prioritise monthly requests over weekly however we cannot guarantee we will have space each month, so please book in advance. 

  • Bookings are confirmed upon receipt of the invoice and any cancellation policy will apply from the due date

  • If you have an urgent request, please feel free to contact us via phone or WhatsApp messaging.

  • To ensure prompt and smooth service, we bill in advance on a week-by-week basis. 

  • Cancellations should be made via telephone within 48 hours of the due booking.

  • While exceptions to our policy are made at our discretion, please note that they are typically granted only for serious medical reasons.

  • We will make every effort to provide 24 hours notice in the event that we are unable to collect your dog. Please note that any requests for credit or refunds must be discussed and agreed upon with our management team.

  • Refunds will not be processed if less than 48 hours notice is given.


Please note that our fees may change periodically, including at short notice. You can always find our up-to-date fees on our website. While we strive to notify all clients of any changes, it is ultimately the client's responsibility to check for updates.


Late Collection


30, Our centre closes at 6:30 pm sharp, and any late collection will therefore incur a  £10.00 charge for every 15 minutes past closing time. This cost will be added to your dog's invoice and payment can be made at the same time as your next monthly invoice. I am sure you will understand we must do this so we can pay our staff for staying after hours.




31, We love taking photos of your dogs during their time at our centre. Photographs may be used on our In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care  website, socials, and printed promotional documents. Please let us know if you prefer your dog not to be photographed and have its picture on any of our social media.


Data Protection


32, Here at In The Doghouse Doggy Day Care

 we take the privacy of our clients very seriously and will never distribute or divulge any of your details to third parties, except the veterinarian you provided as your dog's emergency care provider. We are happy to provide you with access to any of your data at any given time. Please see our data protection policy for more details

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